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Planning Board Minutes 01/24/08 - Site Walk: Tribals Barn

January 24, 2008

Members & Staff Present:        

Bob Edwards
Bradley Houseworth
Joe Koziell     
Kathy Wasserloos        
Member & Staff Absent:  

Mary Allen
Scott Burnside
Laurie Lemons
Andrew Robblee
Brian Sawich
Steve Schacht
Sandy Snow
Public Attendees:               
Michaela Chelminski                                     
Michaela Chelminski; File# 2007-18PB, Oriental Rug Retail Store Proposal:  Chair Pro Tem Edwards continued the public meeting for a site walk, requested by the Board, for Michaela Chelminski’s application for a Change of Use to establish an Oriental Rug Retail Store, titled, ‘Tribals Barn,’ at 49 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440 (Tax Map 103, Lot 94), located in the Village Business District.

Mrs. Chelminski showed the Board members and staff through the proposed retail store, which consists of a 786 sq. ft. showroom, storage room, bathroom, personal studio, and personal office.
·       Mr. Edwards clarified that the public would be restricted to the showroom, which Mrs. Chelminski confirmed.
·       Mr. Edwards addressed a dead bolted door, behind the back wall of the showroom and near the bathroom, and asked if that would be, a second means of egress.  Mrs. Chelminski stated that it was a second exit with the dead bolt on the inside.
·       Mr. Koziell asked if the building inspector made any comments regarding if there would be a need for ‘exit’ signs or lighting.  Mr. Houseworth stated that he did not but would address the concern with the Building Inspector and Fire Chief.
·       Three (3) smoke detectors are hardwired together in the showroom, personal office and near the back door, but are separate from other sections of the structure.
·       Mr. Koziell and Mr. Edwards both reiterated the Fire Chief’s stipulation that the smoke detectors in the retail store be hard wired to the smoke detectors in the upstairs apartment and to those in the main house so that in case of a fire, all individuals in the store and dwellings will be alerted at the same time.  Mrs. Chelminski said she would have an electrician come in and rewire all the smoke detectors throughout the dwelling so they are hard wired together.
·       Visual observation by the Board showed adequate parking in the back parking lot, which was described in her proposal letter to hold up to twenty (20) cars.
·       Mr. Edwards asked if the property line was marked, Mrs. Chelminski did not know whether it was marked, she did say that the fence on the premises is not the property line.
·       Mr. Houseworth informed Mrs. Chelminski that the Town is working on an alternative for the Grapevine using her road for access. She stated that her objection is not so much with the Grapevine using the road as much as the speeds in which they travel down the road for safety purposes.
·       Mr. Edwards asked for clarification as to whether she currently plans on expanding the showroom so that the studio and storage areas would also be open to the public and whether she would need further approval from the Board.  Mrs. Chelminski stated she does not intend to expand in these areas now but may if business is good in the future.  Mr. Houseworth confirmed that this type of expansion of the showroom would require additional approval from the Board.
·       Mrs. Chelminski mentioned that during the summer she would like to hang a rug on the outside of the premise as a display.  Mr. Edwards requested that Mr. Houseworth discuss this with the Selectman to see if this is allowed without prior authorization and whether it is considered a sign.
·       Mrs. Chelminski plans on having two (2) signs, one at the entrance near Main Street and another above the front doors of the showroom.
·       Mr. Houseworth and Mr. Edwards believe exterior lighting is sufficient with censored lighting currently in place.  However, Ms. Wasserloos stated that if there were to be evening hours, they might want to consider additional lighting between the front doors of the showroom and the parking area due to how dark it is.  Mrs. Chelminski agreed and stated she will add additional lighting for safety purposes.
·       Mrs. Chelminski stated that they will have no employees (besides themselves) and plan to be open Saturdays and Sundays from 10 AM to 5 PM and 2 additional dates which are yet to be determined.
·       A large trash bin fro rubbish removal is located in the back of the building.
·       Mr. Koziell expressed concerns regarding whether this retail store is required to be handicapped accessible (a ramp and hand rail) and compliant with ADA regulations.  Mr. Houseworth stated that he is not sure, the Board has never required this, and he will check with the Building Inspector to see what the Building Code requires for retail stores.
·       Mr. Koziell also expressed concerns regarding the potential presence of lead paint and asbestos throughout the premises due to the age of the main dwelling.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant,
Antrim Planning Board